
Amboseli Ecosystem Trust Partners

This Management Plan was prepared by Amboseli Ecosystem stakeholders through a participatory planning process. KWS provided leadership to the process and additional financial support to facilitate planning activities
Amboseli Tsavo Group Ranches Conservation Association (ATGRCA), through their executive, provided vital linkage between the core planning team and the land owners.

African Wildlife Foundation provided the bulk of financial resources for the preparation of this plan through the Kilimanjaro Heartland office based in Namanga.

African Conservation Centre (ACC) provided critical ecological information through the Amboseli Ecological Research and Conservation Project and additional financial support.

Amboseli Trust for Elephants (ATE) provided extensive information on human-wildlife interactions in the ecosystem and contributed funds for the planning process.

School for Field Studies (SFS) provided additional ecological information on areas outside the Amboseli National Park (ANP).