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A healthy and thriving Amboseli Ecosystem with intact landscapes that link community livelihoods and wildlife conservation.



To secure intact and healthy landscapes that support local livelihoods and conservation.



Collaboration, Transparency, Equality, Dynamism, Advocacy and Fairness

AET in action

Restoration upscaling in Kenya with Justdiggit

Our programs in Tanzania and Kenya are in full development. In cooperation with our local implementation partners, we are currently scaling up to 7 sub-areas in Tanzania and in Kenya the expansion will start in 2019. We had to temporarily put Morocco on hold. The plans are there to roll out the program together with the government, but we have not yet succeeded in establishing the required organization and financing structure. The whole process is way more complex than when you pay someone to write a research paper.

We therefore made the choice to focus on the expansion of our program in Kenya and Tanzania in the coming period. Of course always with a vision of expansion to all other African countries where re-greening is necessary. That is why we have also entered into a partnership with the AFR100, which aims to restore 100 million hectares of landscape by 2030.

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Please explore the rest of the website to find out about the various initiatives and programs that we have implemented to help preserve Amboseli, including some of the ways that you can contribute. 

Ecological Management
Zonationofthelandscapeintodifferentland- uses determined to conserve areas of exceptional resource values. This allows for the development of activities (tourism and wildlife, agriculture and livestock) most suitable for the type of vegetation, micro climate and water resources available in the area.
Tourism Development and Management
Sustains Amboseli as a leading tourist destination in the country by creating programs that have minimum adverse impacts, ensuring equitable benefit sharing for the community, enhancing tourism experiences and diversifying tourism product. It's a perfect tourist destintion especially when you have someone you can pay to do my essay.
Community Partnerships & Education
The maintenance of community conservation areas through contiguous landscapes remains critical for conservation. Creating awareness on human-wildlife conflicts, environmental education and improving livestock conditions aim to safeguard and rehabilitate rangelands. Learn all important information to ensure you won't have to look for someone writing essays for you when it comes to the projects on wildlife.
In partnership with the BigLife Foundation, AET is pioneering the use of a smart phone based application, WILD, connected to a Cybertracker interface, to collect, track and map wildlife sightings within community conservancies in real-time. This sophisticated system streamlines both security and wildlife monitoring operations in conservancies.
Ecosystem Operations
The Amboseli Ecosystem, through its partnership with the Amboseli Conservation Program, hosts the longest running biodiversity-monitoring program in Kenya. Monitoring transect lines on vegetation data enhances understanding of climatic, animal and human impacts on conservation and provides sound scientific basis for management.

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Ecosystem Coverage (Ac)
Amboseli National Park (Ac)
Community Conservancies
Community Rangers